Miami-Dade County Public Employees turned out in droves last week to approve a historic contract that grants county workers increased worker protections, a 2 percent cost of living increase (implemented retroactively), and an additional $70 biweekly supplement for all bargaining unit employees.
In total, a record setting 2,325 County employees voted in the January 17 ratification. Of those, 2316 voted 'YES.'
In addition to the strong turn out, AFSCME Local 199 President and International Vice President CeeCee Brown reports that 209 new members signed up to join the union during ratification adding to the 79 new members who joined the previous week at information sessions the Local held leading up to the ratification. Additionally, 30 members signed up for the State Council's PEOPLE Political Action Committee to make larger impact in local, state, and national elections and protect the benefits and rights we’ve won in our workplaces and our communities.
"This contract was a long time coming, but the hard work has paid off with a strong contract for our members and the most transparent process we have seen for any union contract in Local 199 history." said President Brown. "We kept our members updated and engaged in the process with regular updates via email, text, social media and regular youtube videos explaining the bargaining process step by step to our members."
Furthermore, during the bargaining process Local 199 held regular worksite visits with volunteer member organizers to hold conversations about updates on particulars in the contract and address all questions and concerns from members. Seven ratification voting locations across Miami-Dade County were designated and staffed by the executive board and volunteer member organizers. The impact of this innovative outreach and consistent communication approach is clear: Local 199 has a highy engaged, well informed, and politically active membership that is building power in the workplace and setting a strong example for other to follow. Union Strong!