Local 199 Beats Back Lay Offs At Clerk of Courts

On Monday June 29, AFSCME Local 199 was informed that the Clerk of Courts had a budget shortfall of more than $9 million dollars and that this shortfall would result in around 107 layoffs and furloughs for all of our 2,000 Clerk of Court employees in Miami-Dade County. On July 2nd, Local 199 held a Zoom meeting to discuss our options and put a plan of action in place to avert these changes and remind the County of the value of our dedicated employees.
President Brown laid out an emergency call to action for members to contact lawmakers both in Tallahassee and Miami-Dade County and Local 199 members came through big time. With an overwhelming number of calls and emails to County Commissioners, President Brown was able to work closely with Deputy Mayor Moon, County Clerk Harvey Ruvin, and Miami-Dade County lawmakers to make up the shortfall from other areas of the budget and avoid the lay offs and furloughs entirely.
"There's power in numbers," said Local 199 President CeeCee Brown. "When we exercise that power and we fight back, we win."
Thanks to all members of AFSCME Local 199 who made their voices heard during this crucial time. We will continue to work diligently to protect the jobs of our dedicated public service workers in Miami-Dade County and keep you updated on all threats and issues that arise related to the important work you do each and every day.
In Solidarity,
-AFSCME Local 199