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Why Join?

  • Do you want to build a better and more secure economic future for you and your family?
  • Are you hurting from a lack of quality, affordable healthcare coverage?
  • Have you ever been unfairly disciplined by your supervisor or forced to accept a demotion, suspension or other punishment you didn’t deserve?

If you answered yes to any of these questions it’s time to consider forming a union with AFSCME. With more than 1.6 million active and retired members nationwide, AFSCME is the strongest and most respected public services union in the country.

We consistently fight for and secure the best wages, benefits and working conditions for our members. Since so much of public service workers’ rights, benefits and funding are impacted by the actions of elected officials, we maintain a strong presence in the corridors of government, fighting to protect our members and holding politicians accountable for their actions. We stand ready to do the same for you and your colleagues.

Get in touch with us to have a preliminary conversation and to learn more. All conversations are strictly confidential and you will not be pressured to move forward until you are ready.

Child Tax Credit Calculator

AFSCME fought to pass the American Rescue Plan and it is already making a difference in the pandemic recovery effort. The child tax credit provides families with the largest tax credit in history. It not only increases the tax credit for families to $3,000 per child between 6-17 years old at the end of 2021 and $3,600 per child under 6 years old, it also allows half to be paid to families in advance through a monthly check or direct deposit. For more information about this relief provided by the Biden administration’s American Rescue Plan, visit

Take Action

Tell your Representatives: Cosponsor the Public Service Freedom to Negotiate Act

We know that our communities are safer, healthier and stronger when public service workers – people like our nurses, paramedics, 911 operators, teachers and sanitation workers – have the freedom to join a union and speak up together for their communities. But in 25 states they lack the freedom to negotiate for better pay, benefits and working conditions.

Email your representative:Cosponsor the Public Service Freedom to Negotiate Act.

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