Tallahassee – Today, state employees across Florida are reacting to the news that Governor Rick Scott has launched his much-expected campaign for U.S. Senate with fear and disgust.
Not once as governor did Scott take the lead in investing in Florida’s services and those who provide them. He looked at the men and women who wake up every day and make Florida happen as his enemy. His policies had such a dramatically negative impact on the state that even he had to sign into law, and in some cases even propose, greater investment in those who interact with some of the state’s more vulnerable citizens.
Ketha Otis, a Vocational Rehabilitation Technician and president of AFSCME Local 2862, said that she and her fellow state employees are not going to let Scott and his cronies in the 1% use their wealth to falsely portray his slash and burn record as governor.
“Instead of answering the call to make our state work for all of us, Rick Scott used his time as governor to pursue divisive partisan goals. Instead of creating the jobs our state needs for the future, over half the counties in Florida are worse off today than before the recession. Where jobs have been created, Scott’s policies have ensured they expand our state’s working poor, creating even greater demand for assistance even as his policies shred our public safety net.
“As you would expect, it takes a lot to keep our state moving forward. That task falls to the hardworking men and women who never quit serving our communities. But Rick Scott’s Florida invests half the national average, leading to underfunded and overworked agencies unable to meet the demands of today, let alone plan for the challenges of tomorrow. If he were to become a backbencher in the U.S. Senate, it would put too much of our national future at stake.
“Bill Nelson has a long and distinguished bipartisan record. Florida, and our country, faces too many challenges to lose his voice from the U.S. Senate. That is why workers like me will be spending our free time to help him win.”
Representing 100,000 workers across the Sunshine State, the hardworking men and women of AFSCME make Florida happen every day. One of the state’s fastest growing unions, we stand for excellence, prosperity and dignity through public service.
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